English Drama Competition
In the morning of 10th July, 2011 (Tuesday), all S4 students participated enthusiastically in our intra-school English programme "S4 English Drama Competition" from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. The audiences were the students from S1A, S2A, S3A and S3B. The purpose of the competition was to provide more opportunities for our students to use and learn authentic English in a more interesting approach. The programme was a huge success and all the audience enjoyed the performance of S4 dramatic scenes.
Special thanks go to all the form teachers in monitoring the discipline of the classes in School Hall, all S4 English teachers in preparation for the drama, Mr. HL Chan (our technician), five adjudicators (Ms KY Choy, Ms C Chan, Ms N Haney, Ms A Tse and Ms J Leung) and the support of our Principal and Vice-Principals. Thank you once again for giving our students a memorable event before their summer holiday.
In the afternoon of 27th June, 2011 (Monday), all S4 students participated enthusiastically in our intra-school English programme "S4 English Drama Competition" from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. All S1 students were the audience of the programme. The purpose of the competition was to provide more opportunities for S1 and S4 students to use and learn authentic English in a more interesting approach. The programme was a huge success and all S1 students enjoyed the performance of S4 dramatic scenes.
Special thanks go to all the S1 and S4 Form teachers in monitoring the discipline of the classes in School Hall, all S4 English teachers in preparation for the drama, the technicians, Mr. HL Chan and Mr. J Leung, four adjudicators (Ms KY Choy, Mr WC Lam, Ms N Haney and Ms S Cheong) and the support of our Principal. Thank you once again for givng all S1 and S4 students a memorable event before their summer holiday.