English Week 2015 - 2016

With the support of the English Department, the S1 to S5 English Tongue-Twister Competition was successfully held in our Student Activity Room during the lunch hour on 3rd May (Tuesday) in order to celebrate the FIRST day of English Week 2016. Special thanks to Ms J Leung for organizing the competition venue, and to our adjudicators: Ms J Lessiter and Ms L Chan.
During the SECOND day of English Week, the English Club helped to launch the S1 Lunch Hour English Quiz with the support of all the committee members of the English Club and all the S1 English teachers. The venue for the quiz was the Special Activity Room (SAR). The games facilitated the use of English outside the classroom. The programme was an exciting English experience for all S1 Ng Wah boys.
On the THIRD day of English Week, 5th May 2016, we have the English Prose Reading Competition 2016 in both SAR and English Corner during lunch hour and afterschool.
During the FOURTH day of English Week, 6th May 2016, the English Club helped to launch the S2 Lunch Hour English Quiz with the support of all the committee members from English Club and all S2 English teachers. The venue for the quiz was the Special Activity Room (SAR). The programme was an exciting English experience for all S2 Ng Wah boys.