Professional Development Programmes for English Teachers 2013 - 2014
In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the new approach to teaching language in coming new academic year in NWCSS, SEVEN teachers from the English Department accompanied Mr W Wai, the English Panel Chairperson of Senior Form, and Mr PN Tse, our Vice-Principal, to a seminar entitled "Flipped Classroom" by Hong Kong EdCity in Shatin on 31st May 2014 (Saturday).
The SBA Briefing Session for all English teachers in Hong Kong was held on 26th October 2013 (Saturday). Special thanks for the participation of all S6 English teachers including Mr W Wai, Ms A Chow, Ms L Chan and Ms K Wong. The session aimed at sharing with English teachers and providing the general performance of candidates in the examinations and samples of candidates performance. This provided feedbacks for English teachers and students regarding learning, teaching and assessment.
In order to learn how to prepare well for the HKDSE English Paper 1 and Paper 3, SEVEN English teachers from the English Department of NWCSS participated in the seminar by English Language Education Committee of HKCDSC from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on 15th January 2014 (Wednesday). The guest speakers were Mr V Chung and Mr J Thompson from Oxford University Press. The venue of the seminar was in the Multi-purpose Room of Lai King Catholic Secondary School. Special thanks for the support from Ms L Chan, Ms WY Wong, Ms S Wong, Ms A Leung, Ms A Tse, Ms YY Lee and Ms J Lessiter in attending the seminar and the sharing session.
This tailor-made program was prepared by the i-Learner of Nebula Group Ltd Company for all English teachers of our school on 30th June 2014 (Monday). The programme aimed at upgrading teachers' knowledge and skills in the teaching of English with the new approach named Self-Regulated Learning at secondary level, and also the teaching of Reading in a CMI school. It focused on areas of English language knowledge and skills relevant to the current needs of teachers in the local school sector, with particular emphasis on the implementation of significant changes in the English language curriculum. All English teachers from NWCSS joined the programme and we found that all the demonstrations during the programme enhanced our understanding of the new approach to the teaching of English.
Our Vice-Principal, Mr PN Tse, fully supported the Staff Development Programme for all English teachers by the service provider, Nebula Group Ltd. Mr Tse presented a souvenir to Ms K Pun, the tutor for the service provider.